

CS20 Disinfectant 4L jug

CS20 is the preferred disinfectant of laser hair removal clinics. 


PREempt™ CS 20™ is a sterilant and high level disinfectant for reprocessing heat sensitive semi-critical and critical devices for which heat sterilization is not suitable.

Sterilizes Tools in 20-MINUTES

Ready to use (no mixing or activation required).

No special ventilation needed and leaves behind no toxic residues.

Biodegradable ingredients that break down into water and oxygen.

4L jug


Please note that we are doing our best to keep disinfectants in stock during the Covid-19 outbreak. Some of our online stocking levels may not perfectly align with our true inventory. If this is the case you will be contacted during business hours and informed of available product and when new product is expected to arrive. Thank you for your patience!

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